


最近の出来事といえば、新しいバイトが決まった!!そう、噂のスターバックスです。世界共通のスターバックスですょ。ずっと憧れてたんだけど、まさか受かると思わなかったからほんとーーーに嬉しいッ(♡∀♡)今はもう働き始めて2週間くらいたつんだけど、憧れのスタバはやっぱりそんな簡単なもんじゃありませんでした。予想以上に大変。覚えること多すぎ。毎日帰ったら今日の反省点と、教わったことと覚えることをまとめる。あとデモンストレーション!!笑 でも、自分で覚えたり努力しなきゃいけないことはたくさんある分、もし出来なくても一緒に働いてるパートナーさんが助けてくれます。すごく明るくて楽しい仕事場で、とっても働きやすい雰囲気をつくってくれます。早くみんなみたいに楽しく仕事がしたいなって思わせてくれる現場なんですねー。だから最近は緊張する反面、バイトが楽しみでもあったりするヾ(♥ó㉨ò)ノもっと頑張って、早く仕事覚えて、おいしいコーヒーを出したいな♡甲府に住んでる皆さん、ぜひぜひ飲みに来てくださいな!!


Long time no see!! I'm sorry not to write my blog for long time. This is not diary any more!!
Well, recently I decided my new part- time job at "STARBUCKS COFFEE"!! It is the famous coffee shop all over the world!! I was very surprised at my employment because I knew this coffee shop was popular. So I was very glad to hear that!! It is about two weeks since I began to work there, but the work that I longed for is not so easy. There more more things to remember that I expected. When I go home after the job, I always write down the things that I learned and that I have to remember. And I give a demonstration of a cashier!! But the partners help me whenever I am in a trouble. People there are so cheerful and funny, and they make a environment that I can feel comfortable to work. This place have a good atmosphere for me. I want to remember many things and work happily like them. Now I feel a little nervous in my part-time job, but I also enjoy my job!! So please come to drink delicious coffee and to see me

Then some of my friends are going to go to Australia to study for ten months soon. I had many classes with them, and wrote the papers together. Although I often depended them, I will become a woman who are depended on by them after ten months. I will watch many movies with no caption and study English more and more!! So, please see your health. I always cheer you. All of us wait you, and see you again.


My Christmas days

しつこいくらい書きますよ~クリスマス!!笑 私、1年の中でクリスマスが一番好きなんです♥イブは、甲府の「千成」っていう焼き鳥屋さんでもも肉買って、夜は「手巻き寿司」をしました。実家ではよくやってたんだけど、こっちに来てからは初めて☆だって刺身高いし、1人でやってもねぇ・・・(´・д・`)あとはお寿司とスパークリングワインっていうミスマッチで乾杯しました!ぃゃ~1人暮らしの割には豪華な食事でしょ??笑 だってクリスマスだもんッ(ノ*≧ω≦)ノもも肉もお寿司もめちゃめちゃおいしくて、正直もう刺身は見たくないです・・・。

たし、もう大満足♫やっぱりディズニーは最高だ♡♡最後の花火は何回見ても感動します。みんな1回はクリスマスに行ってほしいな(✿ฺ´∀`✿ฺ) ま、カップルだらけだけどね(笑)働いたらこんなにクリスマスは自由に過ごせないし、大学のうちにみんなはっちゃけてね!!

I am persistent ! So I tell you about Christmas and Disney again. Christmas is my favorite events♡
On Christmas Eve, my boyfriend and I bought two big fried chickens at "Sennari". And we ate "Temaki-sushi".(You prepare the ingredients that you want to eat. For example sashimi, tuna, cucumber, natto, salmon roe, etc. You choose some ingredients and roll with rice and toasted laver.) I used to eat them in my parents' home, but I did first here. Because sashimi is expensive for me and it is not pleasant to eat Temaki-sushi alone! Then we drank a toast with sparkling wine. They were very very delicious and we ate all our full !!

On Christmas day, I woke up at half past four to take a bus bound for Tokyo Disney Resort. There were many many many people there!! We can't help it on Christmas day(´-ω-`). We had to wait at least for two hours in any popular rides. We decided to spend "unusual" Christmas in Disney Resort. So, I always ride the popular rides many times without watching the parades or the shows with my friends. Then we watched the two parades of day and night, and had reserved the seats for a show to turn on a illumination of the castle of Cinderella for thirty minutes before the show. I watched them from first to last for the first time! They were so beautiful✧ฺ♦+。 I thought that you should go to Disney Land on Christmas at least one time. As you know, there are many couples there. But you may have to work on Christmas day after graduation, so have a nice and happy Christmas day while you are in the university.


Let's study English!!

今日12時30分くらいにテレビのチャンネルまわしてたら、「100語でスタート!英会話」の再放送がやってました。NHKで英会話の番組やってるってのは知ってたけど、見たのは初めて☆いや~意外と学んだこといっぱいでした。例えば今日は「You might like ~」で「~してはいかが?」って言う意味があったりとか。ぁたしは今英語を書いたり読んだりするっていうよりは、実際に喋ったり使える英語を学びたいから、こういう番組も見なきゃなーと思いました(。→ˇ艸←)毎週火~木曜日の夜11時からやってるみたいだから、来週から見ようと思います!!You might like to watch this TV program?

I found a TV program of English conversation tonight. I knew that the TV program, but I have never watched it. I learned a lot from it! For example, I knew a meaning of "You might like~" and how to use "begin to ~". I thought that I should watch such TV programs because I want to use and speak English well more and more. I decided to watch this TV program every week! "You might like to watch this TV program?"

Recently I made a vocabulary notebook. Some of my friends make the vocabulary notebooks, too. So I intend to write the new English words on it. I realized that I really became serious!! It is enjoy for me to study English♡ I decided to study English more and increase the number of notebooks from now on.


Welcome to the winter recess!!




School is going to be out for the winter recess from tomorrow!! I am lonely because I can't see my friends at school for some time. I will go to drink with my old friends when I return to Niigata. I want to see them early and talk a lot. And I can see my pet Nana.♡ Have her ears been like cauliflowers yet...?

Today, I found a spider in my bathroom. I don't like insects...especially spiders!! I called my father quickly when I was in my parents' house, but I couldn't do so now. So the spider still stays in my bathroom. Recently I often think that the families are important. It is happy for me to be able to say "I'm home!". In my parents' home, the room is always warm and my pet come to me when I go home. My mother gets me my dinner, and I can take a bath soon after my dinner. It is precious for me now. I didn't find that until I lived by myself leaving my parents. I especially think so when I caught a cold or I met the insects. So I want to be good to my family when I return to my parents' home. I will my mother in preparing meals. It may snow in Niigata...
Anyway, my head is full of Disney. I am looking forward to going to Disney Resort on this Christmas day very very much!! Then I introduce a cute Disney video.



Do you know "Bounenkai(忘年会)"? In Japan, we hold a drinking party called Bounenkai in the end of the year. Bounenkai is held to forget the things that each of us want to forget within the year. And it is also to start the new year with the fresh feeling. I joined in Bounenkai of my rugby club yesterday. And I spent a very very hard day...

First, we went to a restaurant where we can eat Yakiniku(broiled meat) and Syabu-syabu(boiled meat) at 6:00 p.m. We ate a lot of delicious marbled beef and drank beer all our fill !! Beer goes well meat♥ Then we went to a bar. We retraced the events that happened to our club during the past year. And we also decided an vogue-word that are the most
fashionable in our club in the year. We continued drinking until 2:00 a.m. and we had a pleasant time(*´∀`*ฺ) Then we went to karaoke!! But the half of the team members passed out and slept out the room. So only about 10 people sang and jumped and drank... I came home at 5:00 a.m.!! My strength gave out yesterday.(´-ω-`)
*This image is from

I am a little lonely because I can't meet my club members until a party of the new year(新年会). We don't have any activities during winter. But my university will be out for winter recess soon! So I want to hold some drinking party☆


How do you spend X'mas Day?

Christmas Day comes soon! How do you spend the day? With your family? With your boyfriend or girlfriend? I love this day because people become cheerful and towns are lively. We can hear the Christmas songs at shops. And there are beautiful Christmas illuminations in many places. I am in a happy mood on the day.

On Christmas Day, I have spent at my parents home with my family by starting to live by myself. My mother is good at cooking. So she made a lot of luxurious dishes and my family ate them with champagne.(Of course non alcohol!) Every year, the rang after dinner. There are two presents before the front door when my sister and I went to see. We believed that Santa Claus came my house to bring the presents for us!! We trusted that Santa Claus existed until I was ten years old. But we noticed my parents put the presents and ring the bell on a certain day. I remember that I was very very sad to see that.

I went to Tokyo Disney Resort on Christmas Day last year. I really love Disney Land!! I go there at least two times a year. A Christmas event is held there from November 7th to December 25th. There are a big decorated Christmas tree and the castle of Cinderella is illuminated very beautifully. We also can see some special shows or parades. Although there are a lot of people (almost all the visitors are couples...), you surely can make a precious memory there. I will go there on Christmas Day with my boyfriend. I am looking forward to coming the special day!

How do you spend Christmas Day? May you spend happy Christmas Day!!


Hello!! My name is Kumi Hosaka. I started my blog today. I will write my daily life or things happend to me in English. There may be some mistakes in my blog, so please correct them without reserve. And I hope many people comment on my blog freely!!